70% of American workers are “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” (Gallup, 2013). That figure represents a failure of leadership. Leadership is the ability to impact and engage people in important work that causes positive disruption. That clearly … [Read more...]
Leadership Happens in The Field
In Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future, Peter Senge and his co-authors write: “We’ve come to believe that the core capacity needed for accessing the field of the future is presence. We first thought of presence as being fully … [Read more...]
Move Your Own D@%# Needle
There’s a phrase that many in business have been using for some time now. Typically it’s a manager in a leadership role telling someone else that they need to “move the needle.” That is, they need to cause some change, they need to increase revenue … [Read more...]
People talk. About your leadership. All. The. Time.
People talk. The perceptions that drive the conversations about you in your team and organization are a reflection of your brand identity with people. Your brand is your legacy, the story people tell about us when we aren’t around or when we’re gone. … [Read more...]
Three Cs of Transformative Leadership, Part II
Today, I’m going to cover the second C of Transformative Leadership: Connectedness. To lead transformation, we must be connected to others. Transformative leaders are connected. What does this mean? It means a few different things. First, the … [Read more...]
Back Away From The Phone
I was asked to observe a leadership team in action recently to give them some feedback on their interactions as a team. Throughout the meeting, people kept checking their cell phones for emails and texts. This happens every day in meetings in … [Read more...]
Leadership and Communication: First, Do No Harm
“A primary role of leaders is to design, convene, and host conversations that matter.” This statement by David Isaacs is true in light of the fact that conversation is a core business process. Business, like relationships, happens through … [Read more...]
When Leading Change, There is No End Zone
Doing change work there always comes a point early on, when structural changes have been announced and are almost complete, that someone will say, “Okay, the change is done. Now let’s get back to business.” This is the moment when I tell them (after … [Read more...]