A "Real" Salesperson Danny sat in the back of the room and glowered. He was one of a team of 40 employees – 20 engineers and 20 salespeople – working for a tech company in "Emerging Markets". It was the late 2000’s and the BRICM cluster of … [Read more...]
Executive Coaching: A True Story Series
Executive Coaching: A True Story Series
Part 2: Carolyn: The Believer
AKA “I Thought I Knew What to Expect”
High Achiever Being a VP of Data Analysis for an international insurance company thrilled Carolyn! At 32, she had 9 direct reports and 60 junior analysts under her. She she was the pride of her whole family. Carolyn was an actuary, one of the … [Read more...]
Executive Coaching: A True Story Series
Part 1: Allyn: The Non-Believer
AKA “Coaching Was Forced On Me”
Waste of Time Allyn was mad. His manager, the COO of a large bank, had asked HR to find an Executive Coach for him. Allyn did not think he needed one and thought the process was a complete waste of time that could be better spent focused on his … [Read more...]
Leadership, Courage & The Small “t” truth
In a prior posting my business partner, Debra Bowles, expressed the courage it took to speak her small “t” truth in front of her executive peers in response to a CEO’s inquiry. I am often struck by the use of the word courage in business today and … [Read more...]
The Power of the small “t” truth
I was raised to respect authority, almost to a fault, and my Dad spoke most of the Truth in our family. I was a senior executive in a large organization for 14 years and there was much Truth spoken with great belief and force. I am intentionally … [Read more...]
Leadership is Not All “Get er done.”
“Don’t just stand there! Do something!” We’ve all heard this or said this to someone at some time in our lives. It’s a sign of our need to “do.” We have a preference for action. As a species we are homo completus. We like to get stuff done, tick, the … [Read more...]
People talk. About your leadership. All. The. Time.
People talk. The perceptions that drive the conversations about you in your team and organization are a reflection of your brand identity with people. Your brand is your legacy, the story people tell about us when we aren’t around or when we’re gone. … [Read more...]
Executive Coaching: Don’t Be a Firefighter; Be an Explorer.
Leaders at every level – from CEO to frontline people manager – show up to coaching with issues they want to discuss. Whether you’re a leader who coaches or an external executive coach, you always have two options. You can cover the items they bring. … [Read more...]