Last year, in a conversation with my coach, I discussed this question, “What would I like to be able to say I truly know in my life, about my life?” Here’s what I wrote:
“I know that we have a capacity to achieve anything. I know that we are responsible for our choices and for the life we create. I know that we are interconnected. I know that I do not always live in a way that demonstrates that I believe these first three statements.
I know that how I act teaches my children more about life and who I am than what I say. I know that I am always searching. I know that my search is both an outer and an inner journey. I know that I know that I have the talent and intelligence to succeed. I know that the secret is to let go. I know that’s hard.
I know that in spite of all this or because of all this or both, I am enjoying my life. And if I’m not, the responsible party looks at me in the mirror every day.”
How about you?