A well-crafted vision and strategy without a game plan and capacity for smart and fast execution are useless. This is the gap that keeps many organizations from realizing their vision. One leader told me, “We’re great at meetings; but nothing gets done.” This is true for lots of companies, especially companies in the midst of change. They spend an inordinate amount of time talking about the strategy and meanwhile, no one is executing to deliver it. Ecstasis Partner Debra Bowles (bowles@ecstasis.com) is former CEO of Blue Shield Life Insurance, where she oversaw many change management initiatives. She’s our resident change management guru. She says that in times of change and transition the people in our organizations need three things: Empathy from their leaders, Information about what’s going on and why, and Ideas and guidance on what their role is. This last piece comes in the form of a clear and comprehensive execution game plan that lays out what needs to be done to execute the strategy, by when and by whom. The game plan includes detailed actions to address customers, the product/service portfolio, org structure, systems and processes (including communications, working arrangements, etc), and people.
An execution game plan addresses the gap between the desired future state (your vision and strategy) and your current state by laying out the steps through the necessary transition state. It also provides the clarity and alignment that is the foundation for operational excellence. So double check and don’t forget to “mind the gap!”